Monday, November 20, 2006

Finally! A trip report...(WARNING: LOTS OF PICTURES)

We went to Oregon again! I guess this is our year of travel...

This time it was just the five oldest kids...I know what you all are/have been thinking, go ahead and think it. Truth is, there is nothing to tell. No really, I mean it, it was just good fun!

The trip started on Sunday afternoon where we had to puuuulll ourselves away from the sweet fellowship (read: 'volleyball game') at church and hit the road. Our first destination was in Oregon and we were supposed to be there for breakfast on Monday. So after driving through the night, we arrived in a little town called Yoncalla. Shrouded in early morning fog, the quiet countryside scenery was almost fairy tale!

The Booher family farm

Our hosts for that day, Mr. and Mrs. Booher, graciously welcomed us to an awesome breakfast. Then the fun began! The girls helped with the fall canning.

They tell me these are carrots!

And the boys went next door to 'help' the younger Boohers (son and daughter-in-law to our hosts) build their house...

After a full day of more fellowship then work, an old-fashioned apple cider press was brought out, and we began squeezing apples...have you ever tasted fresh pressed apple cider? It was awesome!

We started falling asleep around 8:00 (can't imagine why) and had a great night's rest.

Tuesday found us on the road again, still headed North. Went up to Portland and hung a right across the top of Oregon. Next stop, Multnomah Falls.

The falls were so tall we couldn't get the whole thing in one shot!

Mandy, sharing the time with the family back home

That's a 'Tim pose'

And we had to do the tourist thing...

Need I explain? Just some really cool people!

Reluctantly pulling ourselves away from the splendor and beauty of God's creation, we got back in the warm vehicles and drove off into the sunset...ehh...actually we were still headed East.

We arrived at the Currans home/farm late that evening and despite the late hour they had waited dinner for us.
Fellowship went well into the next morning and after a short, rejuvenating rest, we were up by 6:30AM and off to see the farm.

C's and D's (temps were in the teens!)

Levi, holding a 400' pipe in one hand and pointing with the other! One tough dude!

Alright...I'm tired and it's late...I'll have to continue this later...

Here's a verse I've been meditating on:
"It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling."
Proverbs 20:3

Good night!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"C's and D's " Who are the C's?

6:40 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

7:28 AM  
Blogger Justin said...

'We arrived at the CURRANS' home/farm...'

7:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first picture and the bridge pics are pretty.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Carolj said...

Thanks for the update! The pictures are great.

"Alright...I'm tired and it's late..."

I know the feeling!

1:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You got some really nice pictures!

11:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Great update!! Oregon looks awesome!!

Your "year" Of travel? Does that mean not as much traveling in 2007? You have to at least come over here for a little while!! Please?

7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Justin!

I miss you! You're probably in the van on your way home right now!!

Anyway, I felt tlike giving you an extra comment since you don't usually get very many...

11:49 PM  
Blogger Carolj said...

Another extra comment for you! :)

Yeah, and Jeremy has an interesting question. Does this mean you're not going to travel next year??!

4:33 PM  
Blogger Justin said...

Jeremy and Carol,

Lol! No, I hope not, it just means that I got to travel more this year then any other before!

Thanks for all the comments, I think this site actually beat my Xanga this time. Guess I'll keep it awhile longer.

5:31 PM  
Blogger Carolj said...

"I think this site actually beat my Xanga this time. Guess I'll keep it awhile longer."

:D Yay!

1:28 PM  
Blogger Gabe and Mandy said...

Yep, It beats xanga, except we don't get emails that tell us when you update. :(

6:49 PM  

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