After the tour, we loaded up in the van and headed toward Washington...we were there in about 5 min.

Then we continued on to a remote field where we did some shooting

Annie, taking careful aim

Shooting from the hip

Don't mess with Tiffany!

A cool shot...see the ejected shell?
After shooting, we went back to the house for lunch then hit the road. A nice peaceful drive from the Northeastern corner of Oregon all the way down to stop, the Jantzen's home.
We arrived after dark, again, and enjoyed a wonderful dinner! Then we played games 'till early morning...the Jantzens know some great games!!! Later that morning the girls went to Wal-mart and the guys went shooting again. Michael brought his Civil War style musket...

The girls joined us when they were done shopping

Sarah, Shooting her borther's gun for the first time (Tiffany is plugging Sarah's ears)

Gabe, using bullets for ear plugs! 

Michael, getting ready to shoot a pigeon.
After we had shot everthing that moved and a few things that didn't,
we climbed in the car and headed out to do some spulunking! The Lava caves were actually pretty straight forward, just one, mile long cave.

The entrance

At the end.
After walking through sections where the ceiling was over 30' high, we eventually had to crawl on hands and knees to get to the very end.

The whole group outside the cave (just to prove we all came out!)
Tired and hungry from our cave crawling, we all went out to dinner...
Then we went home(Jantzen's house), got our stuff and moved to the Johnson's house (five minutes down the road)...I didn't plan the itenerary!
Friday morning we went rock climbing.

Smith Rock

Annie and Baylor

Mandy, cranking up a 5.13...yes, it's more then vertical!

It started to rain so we packed up and headed out

The rain stopped before we got to the van
Friday night, the Jantzens and Johnsons took us bowling! I hadn't bowled since I was about five...and it showed. We all had fun and Mandy and Chris even got a few strikes!
When we were sitting around the breakfast table with the Johnson family, Mr. Johnson had mentioned that they were going to participate in a 5k run on Saturday morning and he invited us to join them! I don't know what got into us but I guess we figured that if the kids could do it so could we, so we did!

On your mark... It was a very family oriented event!

Katie was second place over all and first place for her division!!! Go KATIE!

Kyla wasn't too far behind!
Mrs. Johnson (mother of eight) came in after Kyla...(sorry, no picture

And I was a couple minutes behind her 
Mandy finished after me and Tiffany made it just ahead of Annie

Chris was kind enough to take pictures!

The runners in our group (Katie won a homemade pie!)
And Saturday night was the final event of the trip, a going away party/barn dance for the Jantzens.

The Jantzen family
Sorry, I didn't get any good pictures of the dancing so you'll have to imagine that part.

Mandy and Annie sang 'Side by Side'
And we met some more HSA people at the dance...

HSA picture
On Sunday Morning we enjoyed wonderful fellowship at the Johnson's home with several other families. After some singing and preaching we ate dinner and had some more dancing...After dinner, we all played some more games and then had more fellowship until we had to midnight.
We drove straight through the night and got home at about 2PM.
A special thanks to all of you who hosted us and made us feel so welcome!
Have a great Thanksgiving!
'O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good; for his mercy endureth for ever.'
1Ch 16:34
P.S. Sorry this is so late...I kinda forgot! It's been up on my Xanga for a while now...I guess I just wasn't thinking clearly!